Why Flag Football?

Football is a sport loved by millions around the world, known for its thrilling gameplay, teamwork, and strategic maneuvers. However, concerns about player safety have prompted the development of alternative versions of the game. Flag football, in particular, has gained significant popularity as a safer alternative to traditional football. Legacy has been providing popular flag football programs over the past 10 years throughout the year. (Checkout what we have coming up here)

Let’s see why flag football offers a safer experience while still retaining the essence and excitement of the sport.

  1. Reduced Risk of Serious Injuries: One of the primary advantages of flag football is the elimination of physical contact associated with tackling. Traditional football involves high-impact collisions that can lead to concussions, sprains, fractures, and even more severe injuries. In flag football, players wear flags attached to their waistbands, which opponents must remove instead of engaging in full-contact tackles. By eliminating the risk of forceful impacts, flag football significantly reduces the chance of severe injuries.

  2. Improved Player Safety Measures: Flag football leagues and organizations prioritize player safety by implementing specific rules and regulations. These rules prohibit unnecessary roughness, blocking, and other potentially dangerous actions seen in traditional football. Moreover, in flag football, players are encouraged to focus on skillful movements, agility, and strategy rather than brute force. This emphasis on finesse and technique minimizes the risk of accidents and injuries on the field.

  3. Suitable for All Ages and Skill Levels: Flag football is incredibly inclusive and accessible to players of all ages and skill levels. Since it eliminates the fear of aggressive physical contact, parents are more likely to allow their children to participate in flag football programs. Even adults who may have concerns about injury or who want to relish the joy of playing football can enjoy the sport without worrying about unnecessary risks.

  4. Enhancing Fundamental Skills: Flag football serves as an excellent platform for learning and developing fundamental football skills. With a focus on speed, agility, and precise passing, players have the opportunity to hone their technique, strategic thinking, and teamwork abilities. Flag football encourages quick thinking, efficient decision-making, and precise execution—essential skills that can be transferred to traditional football or other sports.

  5. Competitive and Fun: While flag football places an emphasis on safety, it does not compromise on the excitement and competitiveness of the game. Players still experience the thrill of scoring touchdowns, making interceptions, and executing strategic plays. The fast-paced nature of flag football keeps participants engaged, providing an enjoyable experience for both players and spectators.

Conclusion: Flag football offers a safer alternative to traditional football without sacrificing the essence of the sport. By removing full-contact tackles and implementing specific safety measures, players of all ages and skill levels can enjoy the game while minimizing the risk of severe injuries. Whether you're a parent concerned about your child's safety or an adult seeking a more inclusive football experience, Legacy flag football is an excellent choice that allows you to stay active, develop skills, and have fun on the field. We hope to see you on the field soon!

Riverside Summer Camps Start Next Week!

The Village of Riverside Parks & Rec and Legacy Sports are partnering to offer summer sports camps at Harrington Park in Riverside. Check out all the options we have coming up!

Legacy Flag Football Summer Camp

  • Ages 7-10

  • Monday, July 10 - Friday, July 14

  • 9:30AM-11:30AM

Legacy Soccer Summer Camp

  • Ages 6-8 & 9-12

  • Monday, July 17 - Friday, July 21

  • 9:30AM-11:30AM

Wednesday Night Soccer

  • June 21, 28, July 5, 12, 19

  • 5:30-6:30, Ages 6-8

  • 6:30-7:30, Ages 9-12

Thursday Night Flag Football

  • June 22, 29, July 6, 13, 20

  • 5:30-6:30, Ages 6-8

  • 6:30-7:30, Ages 9-12

Ultimate Frisbee

  • June 6, 13, 20, 27, July 11, 18 (off July 4)

  • 5:30-6:30, Ages 10-13

  • 6:30-7:30, Ages 14-17

Save your spot today! Enroll online Here

The Benefits of Summer Sports Camps

Looking for some reasons to join a Legacy Sports Summer Camp? Our Summer sports camps offer numerous benefits for kids.

  1. Physical Fitness: Sports camps provide an excellent opportunity for kids to engage in physical activities and develop their fitness levels. Regular participation in sports helps improve cardiovascular health, motor skills, coordination, and overall physical well-being.

  2. Skill Development: Sports camps focus on specific sports or activities, allowing children to develop their skills and techniques under the guidance of experienced coaches. They can learn the fundamentals, refine their techniques, and enhance their overall proficiency in a particular sport.

  3. Teamwork and Social Skills: Participating in a sports camp involves working with other children towards a common goal. Through team-based activities, kids learn the value of teamwork, cooperation, communication, and collaboration. These experiences contribute to the development of social skills and the ability to work effectively with others.

  4. Discipline and Time Management: Sports camps often have structured schedules and training programs. By adhering to a routine and following instructions from coaches, children learn discipline and time management skills. They understand the importance of punctuality, commitment, and balancing their time between sports, academics, and other activities.

  5. Confidence Building: As kids develop their skills and see improvement over time, their self-confidence grows. Participating in sports camps allows children to set goals, overcome challenges, and experience personal achievements. This boosts their self-esteem and provides a sense of accomplishment.

  6. Healthy Competition: Sports camps create a healthy competitive environment where kids can learn to compete with fairness, respect rules, and handle success or failure gracefully. They develop sportsmanship qualities, such as good conduct, respect for opponents, and the ability to cope with both victory and defeat.

  7. Exposure to New Sports: Summer sports camps often introduce children to a variety of sports they may not have tried before. This exposure allows kids to explore different activities and discover new interests or talents they may have. It broadens their horizons and helps them make informed decisions about their future athletic pursuits.

  8. Enjoyment and Recreation: Sports camps offer a fun and enjoyable environment for kids to engage in physical activities during the summer break. It allows them to connect with like-minded peers who share their interests, fostering friendships and positive social interactions.

Overall, summer sports camps provide a holistic experience that combines physical fitness, skill development, teamwork, socialization, and personal growth. They offer a structured and supportive environment where children can thrive, learn valuable life lessons, and have a memorable summer filled with sports and fun. See what camp opportunities we have for your child this summer, view our Legacy Summer Camps here.

Ascension Summer Camp Returns!

We are excited to return to Ascension our 10th summer camp! we have so many memories at Ascension and are excited to keep the good times rolling! Check out some of the photos from Ascension summer camps dating back to 2009!

This June we will be offering 3 weeks of camps for students entering grades 1-6. We will also be offering an evening Classic Kickball League for incoming 7th and 8th graders. For more details on the summer camp, CLICK HERE.

Interested in the Classic Kickball League for your incoming 7th/8th grader? Learn More HERE.

Sign up for St. Luke Youth Summer Camp

Legacy Sports Camp will be offering exciting sports and games at the St Luke Summer Camp!  Sports Camps run the weeks of June 11, 18, 25 and July 2 (No camp July 4).  The camps will be for children entering the grades of 1-3 and grades 4-6.  

$95.00 per week ---> Register Now  

Legacy Gram New St Luke1_700w.png

Grade reflect NEXT school year.

GRADES 1-3: Mondays-Friday 9:00AM-12:00PM
Sports Activities include: Soccer, Capture the Flag, Hand Hockey, Treasure Island and more!

GRADES 4-6: Mondays-Friday 12:00PM -3:00PM

Activities include: Basketball, Soccer, Kickball, Floor Hockey, Dodgeball, and many more!

$95.00 per week ---> Register Now


Youth Summer Sports Camps serving youths in the Illinois area including Chicago, Oak Park, Berwyn, River Forest, Forest Park, Lagrange, Brookfield and Lyons.

---> Oak Park Summer Camp

---> Youth Basketball Summer Camp

---> Youth Summer Camps 2018

---> Summer Coding and Sports Camps

Camp Questions? Email: info@legacysportscamp.com, or call/text (312) 487-3908